Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC committee For the Session: 2015-16

Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC committee For the Session: 2015-16
Date : 20/10/2015
Story Details

Details of the Plans of institutionfor the next year:-

            TheNAAC committee visited to this college on 25-27 November 2014. They inspectedthe college and met all the stack holders of this college. The action plan forthe next year, i.e., 2015-16 is as follows. Since the inception of thecommittee is involved in maintaining quality education of the college. Therecommendations are as follows:-

1.     Allthe HOD’s of each department will observe the calendar of Academic Session2015-16.  They will confirm to monitor,apply and submit the report to the IQAC. For their reference, they may use theuniversity calendar provided by the government, ref.


2.     Inthe beginning of the session 2015-16, for curricular and co-curricular activities,respective committees should be formed and a copy of the same must be providedto the IQAC.


3.     Teachingtime-table should be prepared according to the University syllabus, combinedand Departmental Time-Table copy should be given to the IQAC.


4.     Studentsshould be informed about the rules and regulations, and consequences of raggingand in disciplinary action in the beginning of the session, and the respectivecommittees should inspect regularly. The report of the same must be preserved.


5.     Teachershould be inspired to participate actively in paper publications, workshops andseminars and they are required to submit the record to the IQAC. At the sametime students should be inspired to participate in educational excursions.


6.     Seriesof lectures of subject expert should be arranged in the college, through ``remedialclasses” for SC/ST/OBC and under-privileged class students. The concerned HOD’sarerequested to provide the details


7.     Forcareer advancement and placement among students, workshops/seminars/guest lectureetc., of the professionals should be arranged. Its documents and photographsmust be provided to IQAC.


8.     Themotivational lecture, best practices program, program of personalitydevelopment, etc. must be organized and a report should be provided to theIQAC.


9.     Tointroduce computer literacy programs for the students, teachers and non-teaching-staffscomputer lab with internet facilities should be available. A computer training programmust be organized especially for UG first year students.


10. Studentsshould be motivated to use library and issue books. Librarian should deliverlecture regarding rules and regulations of library and books availability inthe beginning of the session, to make students updated.


11. Fromcollege stake holders, old books, specimen copies, reference books, othergeneral-knowledge books must be collected by the librarian and the record ofthe same must be maintained. To make better utility of the library, the stakeholders must also be included.


12. Abooklet of publications regarding college news in various newspapers must beprepared by the librarian and it must be maintained session-wise. This bookletmust be submitted to IQAC after ending the session.   


13. Newcourse books, reference books, competitive books, journals and magazines shouldbe subscribed. The list of books must be provided by all the HOD’s to theLibrarian.


14. Toget the library services updated and quick responding, automation of libraryshould be done. The books should be issued and all the records should bemaintained into the computer.


15. Proposalsfor workshop, seminar, minor research projects, faculty development program, otherUGC sponsored program are welcomed by the IQAC, and should be sent to UGCthrough proper channel.


16. The college and IQAC welcomes ourteachers to nominate them as research guide. The proposals of establishment ofresearch center in this college for their subjects are invited by them, andsuggest them to submit their proposal in-front of the affiliated University.


17. Forcommunity services like NSS camps, NCC  and Red Cross activities, the program shouldbe diversified; and suitable record of such programs, e.g., date of theprogram, name of the program, chief mentor’s name, best performer student’sname etc.,  must be given to IQAC. Photosregarding these activities must be attached in notice-board for motivation ofstudents.


18. Newteachers should be appointed through college Janbhagidari (internal resources)for UG/PG classes. A list of appointed teachers should be provided by theoffice, with their subject and date of joining.


19. Feed-Backforms must be translated in Hindi language and provided to all the stakeholdersof the College. A committee of all the HOD’s must be formed to analyze thereport, and a copy of the report must be provided to IQAC.


20. Internalexamination conducting and monitoring committee must be formed, and the finalresult should be given to IQAC. The analysis of the internal examination mustalso be prepared and displayed. The top rankers should be motivated by givingtheir names, photos etc.  in the noticeboard and in IQAC.


21. Shadeconstruction over fees counter is completed in F.Y 2014-15. The admissionprocedure, fees-submission, nomination/enrollment, scholarship application,election procedure etc. must be handled from this counter for the convenienceof the students. This will be called ``single-window system”.


22. Studenthelp-center cum I-card checking counter must be opened in-front of the gate.This counter must maintain the discipline among students.  


23. Toupgrade teaching quality, smart class should be installed and LCD projectorshould be provided.

      24.GIS software should be purchased for Geography Department.

25.A Botanical Garden has been prepared in the college in 2014-15. Various plantslike                    medicinal plants,flowering plants, plants for use of college-practical etc. should be planted. Forapplied study of botany subject, the students of concerning classes should bemotivated to give one hour per week in this Garden. Photo of best performerstudent must be pested in College notice-board and the record of the same mustbe submitted to IQAC.

      26. For Women’s Hostel, furniture should bepurchased and for the sanction of the post of warden, and other infrastructurelike boundary wall, security guard etc., the letter must be written to theHigher Education Department (C.G Government.)

27. Red-crossshould organize awareness programs, i.e. Health checkup camps, AIDS-awarenesslectures, Environment days, literacy and Adult-education program, etc. for theimprovement of quality of life in this area.


28.  Proposalfor water harvesting should be made with the help of PWD.

     29. Sports department should prepare fresh proposal for sports infrastructuredevelopment and  

           sent to the UGC under 12th Plan.


30. Smartclasses should be utilize by each department. For this purpose, some classesbased on power point presentation must be organized.


31. Excursiontour should be organized, wherever necessary in the syllabus.